Scott City Elevator - Pedro Rojas Lopez, Manager
Marienthal Elevator - Mariah Sheppard, Manager
Shallow Water, Grigston, & Manning Elevators - Bobby Lorg, Manager
Pence Elevator - Stacey Ellis, Manager
Modoc Elevator - Aaron Kropp, Manager
Selkirk Elevator - Mike Rapier, Manager
Shrink Charts
The Scott Coop is a strong grain-based company that will take care of all your grain needs and questions.We are here to help the producer maximize the profitability and reduce the stress of marketing and delivering their grain. The merchandising staff will assist you in the selling forward contracting hedging and on the farm storage. We have 8 locations in Scott and Wichita counties you may deliver grain to that will be fast and efficient to help get your harvest done in a timely manner. The Scott Coop has an app for grain that will let the producer track every load of grain delivered to the elevators and see the bushels moisture and test weight on that load. We look forward to helping the producer any way we can in the grain department.